Teaching Projects

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Ongoing Projects

Leadership Styles of Nursing Professors at the Universidade de São Paulo: transforming educational systems with efficiency and quality.

Description: Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships (in Portuguese, PIBIC – Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica) 2021/2022. The study takes as its object the professor in the role of leader in the nursing course at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

2021-2022 – Unified Scholarship Program for Support and Training of Undergraduate Students (in Portuguese, PUB-USP – Programa Unificado de Bolsas de Estudo Para Apoio e Formação de Estudantes de Graduação).

Assessment of teaching-learning of leadership skills of nursing students trained in a high-fidelity simulated environment.

Description: The objective of this project is to measure aspects of the structure and perception of teaching-learning of leadership skills of nursing students trained in a high-fidelity simulated environment. To this end, a cross-sectional, quantitative study will be conducted, which is being developed in a high-performance realistic simulation laboratory at the University of Florida and the USP School of Nursing.

Clinical simulation scenarios are used, where the leadership skills that nurses need to have are listed. To measure the didactic/scenario aspects, four American scales that have been validated for Brazil are applied:

  1. Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning,
  2. Debriefing Experience Scale,
  3. Simulation Design Scale and
  4. Educational Practices Questionnaire.

It is expected to consolidate, reinforce and strengthen the potential of using clinical simulation strategies for the development of leadership skills, understanding specific characteristics about the way in which the individual assimilates the clinical simulation scenario, strengthening this teaching strategy and contributing to the development of specific items of the strategy.

Concluded Projects

Project Develop: Leadership and the Pedagogy of Movement

Description: The objective of this teaching project is the teaching and learning of leadership in the nursing course. Nursing training is guided by the historical, political and social process of a period, where the inserted public policies are what guide the structuring of teaching. Thus, it is observed that training health professionals requires the development of skills, being emphasized as one of the skills in the Brazilian National Curricular Guidelines (in Portuguese, DCNs – Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais) for the exercise of nursing leadership.

Leadership is the ability to influence people, a skill that can and should be developed in sports. In sports, there is no shortage of examples of great personalities who stood out for their leadership skills and made their mark on history with titles, trophies and records. In sports, there is no shortage of examples of great personalities who stood out for their leadership skills and made their mark on history with titles, trophies and records. There are several names of great sports leaders both in Brazil and abroad and in different sports, and Bernardinho (volleyball), Marta (soccer), Roger Federer (tennis) and Amyr Klink (sailor) are some examples.

Personality characteristics of individuals may or may not be adapted to make them good leaders. In this context, human values ​​can affect individual behavior. Therefore, it is possible to assume that they can also influence attitudes towards leaders’ leadership styles and behavior in an organizational or health service context. Therefore, it is expected that the application of sports and movement pedagogy can contribute to student training regarding the development of leadership and interpersonal relationships, and the process of working/experiencing body practices will aim at improving body perception with consequent progress in actions/interactions with the real world.

2022-2023 – Unified Scholarship Program for Support and Training of Undergraduate Students (in Portuguese, PUB-USP – Programa Unificado de Bolsas de Estudo Para Apoio e Formação de Estudantes de Graduação).